Table 1: Study of 838 encounters with radio-tagged coveys from 1992 through 1997 hunting seasons
Coveys Seen Coveys Not Seen
Hunting Season Number seen/number available Pointed/Shot Wild Flushes (Pointed/Not Pointed) Wild Flushes Passed by (Ran/Held) Pointed (Ran/Held)
1992-93 45/112 24 11/10 4 25/27 9/2
1993-94 142/286 96 20/26 17 18/76 25/8
1994-95 112/194 67 17/28 14 4/49 11/4
1995-96 90/143 49 17/24 11 9/26 6/1
1996-97 57/103 31 12/14 9 5/21 11/0
Total 446/838 267 77/102 55 61/199 62/115
Percent 53% 32% 9%/12% 7% 7%/24% 7%/2%

Table 2: Study of 392 unseen encounters with radio-tagged coveys from 1992 through 1997 hunting seasons
Passed by and held Passed by and ran Pointed and ran Wild Flushes Pointed and held
Pointed Unpointed
199 61 62* 30* 25 15*
51% 15% 16% 8% 6% 4%
*Indicates incidences of "false" pointing

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